This group was formed about three years ago when there was a realization that, instead of having small churches with few to no youth struggling to support a youth group, all of the churches in the Dayton Deanery can come together to support a combined youth group.
We meet every Wednesday night from 7-8:30 pm, and youth from around the Dayton Deanery are invited to come together for a time of fun, laughter and discipleship. These meetings include games, Bible Study, prayer and opportunities to share and grow in one's faith. Every third Wednesday of the month, we meet from 6-8:30 pm and have a potluck dinner.
I am blessed to be a part of a great leadership team and to have a group of youth who really enjoy coming together as they continue to grow as followers of Jesus and discover God in the world and in themselves. If you know of any youth who are looking for a group to be a part of in the Dayton area, please let them know about YODAH. We are always happy to welcome new members to our group.
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